Welcome to the job blog for Westchester Place!
You may have seen us around the building. Thank you for allowing us in your space. This job blog will provide you with regular updates about your flooring project.
If you have any questions, please contact your account manager Sandy at (604) 856-4799.
Posted on Sep 28 2011 5:22 pm by Kelsey Myers
category: Westchester Place |
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Welcome to the job blog for Conference Plaza!
You may have seen us around the building. Thank you for allowing us in your space. This job blog will provide you with regular updates about your flooring project.
Posted on Sep 21 2011 4:11 pm by Kelsey Myers
category: Conference Plaza |
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We’re excited to say that we now carry cork and vinyl floors from Cork Art! With the new display in our showroom, we’ve been asked a lot of questions about this lesser known flooring option. Here’s 5 main reasons why you’ll love cork floors in your home:
1. Comfortable
Cork Art floors have forty million cells per cubic centimetre that are filled with air. These cells allow the floor to reduce the conduction of temperature and sound. Your cork floors will stay warm and comfortable underfoot and reduce noise.
2. Healthy
If you love the warmth of carpet but suffer from allergies, cork floors are a great solution as they are safe for asthma/allergy sufferers. It’s anti microbial and resists mold and mildew. One of the substances cork is composed of, suberin, is a natural insect repeller that keeps bugs and termites away.
3. Easy to install
While most cork floors are known to be easy to install, the patented Uniclic system of Cork Art floors makes it even simpler.
4. Resistant and durable
Cork is known for being very resistant to wear. Its flexible nature means cork is less affected by impact and friction than other similar surfaces are.
5. Sustainable
When cork is harvested, the trees are not cut down. Instead they are stripped. This process doesn’t harm the tree and allows it to continue renewing itself naturally. Cork oak forests will continue to flourish even as the popularity of this amazing floor continues to grow.
Posted on Sep 16 2011 11:24 pm by Kelsey Myers
category: Cork Flooring Flooring Guides |
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When we found out that the BCAOMA Golf Tournament and Easy Care Restoration’s Lee Dobbs Charity Golf Tournament were on the same day this year, the decision was obvious. Let’s be at both. We sponsored a hole at both events, and sent half of our team off to University Golf Course for the BCAOMA Tournament and the other half to Morgan Creek for the Easy Care Tournament.
To keep things fun, we had a contest where participants had the opportunity to putt on new surfaces: carpet and hardwood. With it’s obstacles and turns, the MIRA Carpet Putt challenge was no easy feat. Congratulations to the winning teams at both tournaments who won a bottle of wine from Neck of the Woods Winery for each member of their team!
The team had a wonderful time at the tournaments meeting many great people. Thanks to BCAOMA and Easy Care Restoration for putting on amazing tournaments. We hope to see everyone again next year!

Posted on Sep 14 2011 11:38 pm by Kelsey Myers
category: Events |
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