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Building 7171 Installation Schedule

Installation Timeline for Building 7161

Please note that this timeline is an estimate and is subject to change. We will keep you updated on any changes.

Tuesday July 15- Wednesday July 16: Carpet removal on all floors. All threshold need to be removed by residents for this date.

Wednesday July 16 – Friday July 25: Carpet installation starting on 3rd floor and working down. Stairs will be installed last.

TBD: Baseboard reinstallation. We will update you as soon as a date is confirmed.

I am Kelsey Van Dam, an Account Manager at MIRA Floors. My role during the carpet installation is to make the process as smooth and pain-free as possible. If you have any concerns, feel free to contact myself or our installation manager Beth at 604-856-4799.


Building 7161 – Installation Update July 7

We are still on track to finish the installation by the end of the week. The schedule for the baseboards is still to be decided. We will update you as soon as we are aware.


Building 7161 – Installation update July 2nd

We have completed the carpet removal in all hallways. The crew will be finishing the subfloor preparation work today. Carpet pad installation will occur today and tomorrow.

Carpet installation will start tomorrow, starting at the top floor and working down. Once they are finished all floors, the crew will start on the stairs removal and installation. Our targeted completion date is the end of next week.

Thank you for your patience as we work in your building.

Threshold removal update

We have received numerous phone calls from owners stating that their door frames are built on top of their thresholds and that they are very difficult or impossible to remove. Removing thresholds is a ‘best practice’ but is NOT required for a successful installation. We will install the carpet up to the thresholds and tuck underneath them. If you are  having difficultly removing your threshold please leave your threshold in place.

Thank you for your help and patience. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to call me. Kelsey- 778 899 7977


Welcome to the job blog for The Highlands. This job blog will provide you with regular updates about your flooring project.

I am Kelsey Van Dam, an Account Manager at MIRA Floors. My role during the carpet installation is to make the process as smooth and pain-free as possible. If you have any concerns, feel free to contact me directly at 778-899-7977. Alternately, you can contact our office at 604-856-4799 and they will be happy to direct your call.

The lead installer of our on-site installation crew is Kerem. Feel free to say hello to him and the crew – they are wearing MIRA Floors & Interiors shirts.

Installation Timeline for Building 7161

Please note that this timeline is an estimate and is subject to change. We will keep you updated on any changes.

Monday June 30: Carpet removal on all floors. All threshold need to be removed by residents for this date.

Tuesday July 1 – Friday July 4: Carpet installation starting on 3rd floor and working down. Stairs will be installed last.

Monday July 7: Baseboard re-installation to begin today. End date TBD

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